I sowed some radish and spring onion in the bottom greenhouse and planted the baby greenhouse lettuce plants from home next to the garlic, which is coming on nicely.
The first blossoms have set on the peach tree in the top greenhouse, they're lovely pink flowers, very pretty.
The rhubarb seems to be taking to its new home, and the forced rhubarb is growing a little faster. Crumble here we come.
Chris started a new strawberry bed with six plants we bought from Aldi for £2.99. He also replanted the onion sets that I mistakenly thought were over wintering sets and planted in October - they've only just started coming through! So he rescued these and put them into the bed with the shallots and planted some more red and golden (Stuttgarter) onion sets next to them. He also sowed some more spring onion seeds and beetroot seeds.
We watched a great bluray film on Saturday night - Up. I've fallen in love with the dog from the film, Dug, he's a real cutie. It's well worth a watch. In fact, I think I'm going to buy it I liked it that much. One of the extras on the disc, called 'Partly Cloudy', and about cloud people was particularly great.
I weeded and tidied the front and back gardens on Sunday. I spotted a rogue bluebell that is about to bloom. It's set up home in a crack in the paving just in front of our house.
One of the forget-me-nots has got its first flower.
And the primula out the back have come to life, and lots of purple and white flowers have appeared from what looked like miniature cabbages! Still no sign of the daffodils, anenomes, tulips, snowdrops and bluebell bulbs that I planted, although there are lots of green shoots in place that look promising.
Our cacti collection has been dormant since October, and I haven't been watering them, so on Sunday I stuck them all in the bath and watered them and gave them a spray.
My Amazon delivery finally arrived yesterday, so I read some of Alys Fowler's Edible Garden last night. At first glance it looks great, and true to her usual form there are lots of new ideas in there, rather than a re-hash of the same old gardening advice.
I borrowed the Virgin Gardener by Laetitia Maklouf from the library and I'm liking all the projects in there too.
I went to a meeting on Thursday last week about a project I'm involved with to set up an eco-shop/cafe in our town. We've got 3 months to get things moving and people were going to look at premises yesterday. I need to research suppliers and products in time for this Thursday's meeting.
I bought a purple Aubretia alpine plant yesterday to fill a gap in the flower border in my front garden. I wish I knew if I could dig up cyclamen bulbs and store them until Autumn, or if I should leave them in the ground? I can't seem to find an answer online, but the plants have died back to brown bulbs now and I need to re-utilise the space they're taking up.
I planted some night scented flower seeds on Monday night. Phlox and two varieties of night scented stock (starlight sensation was one of them). I love the idea of flowers that smell gorgeous at night. The night scented stock was really potent last year. I also planted half a seed tray full of star dust seeds - these were so pretty last year and got lots of compliments. They're lovely tiny little flowers. I took the viola, heliotrope, lobelia and Chinese forget-me-nots to the greenhouse. Stupidly, I managed to drop the seed tray containing the Chinese forget-me-nots, and only managed to rescue 2 seedlings (only one had popped up through the soil anyway). That'll teach me for rushing and trying to carry too many things at once. I'm a bit disappointed with the heliotrope. I sowed a small seed tray full of them at the beginning of March but only 5 weakish looking seedlings have popped up, although on the back of the packed it says germination time 21-30 days, so I've put them in the propagator now to try and speed things up. Heliotrope are better known as 'cherry pie' and smell scrumptious.
The greenhouse is already looking full, and there's lots more to sow in April, so I'm hoping it will be OK to plant the sweet peas and nasturtiums outside to free up some space on the staging.
Snow is forecast for today, as crazy as that sounds, what with it being the end of March. I hope we don't get any because it could play havoc in the garden.
It's a full moon tonight, and it's descending too, so it will be nice and large. I would have been able to watch it rise from my bedroom window, however I think the clouds may put an end to that idea. Nothing new there then.