Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Made my first ever curtains!

It was the long Easter weekend and Chris was off work on Good Friday. We should have gone out somewhere for a drive over the weekend, but we ended up just flitting between home and the allotment and getting jobs done. It was boiling hot and sunny on Friday so we spent most of the day lounging around in the back garden. Too much sun makes me tired and cranky though.

The shop did a cool Easter window display.

On Saturday I got lots of flower seeds sown including cosmos, catmint, rudbeckia and some ladybird poppies and nigella for my mum. I also sowed some kale, leeks, cress and more cauliflower.

I made some more cinnamon swirl muffins. They didn't last long!

We finally watched Leaves of Grass on Saturday night, it was pretty funny and we had a few laugh out loud moments. I enjoyed it, but Chris fell asleep (as usual, he did last a bit longer than normal though!).

For Easter we got Mr and Mrs Duck again off my mum. I bought her and Chris a chocolate rabbit each with their names on.

On Sunday we planted the broad beans and peas in the ground at the allotment. Chris has also sown some more carrots in the greenhouse border soil as well as in a large pot. The first potatoes are now popping up. There are lots of baby peaches on the peach tree so I thinned them out slightly.

In the afternoon I potted on the pot marigolds into individual pots - about 20 of them, so we should have a good few of them this year. I sowed some nasturtiums in pots outside. Chris has potted on some sunflowers.

I visited my grandma with my mum on Monday. Then we nipped into town and stocked up on a few things for the garden. Then I went to the allotment and topped up the bird feeders. I finally spotted a blue tit or coal tit pulling wool out of my wool ball, it must have been using it for nest building. I spotted them again on Wednesday night too. I’d been worrying that no birds would use it.

I swept out the shed on Monday afternoon and decided to make some curtains for two of the long windows. This will give us a bit of privacy. I made the curtains from some flowery lineny fabric roll end I got off the market. It was surprisingly easy to knock them up and on Wednesday night Chris helped me put them up. They look cool, but I think they need some tie-backs as they're a bit in your face. Chris thinks they look a bit caravanny.

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