Monday, 20 June 2011

Goodbye to a feathery friend

My Mum's pet cockatiel Toby dropped dead this weekend without any warning whatsoever.  The poor little thing, he'd been off his food a bit recently, but we never thought he was going to die, he was about 8 years old, so we thought he had a few more years in him.  My Mum found him dead on the floor and she was quite upset, it was a shock for her, and it brought back memories of when my Dad died.  It was my Dad's bird initially, so he'd have been really upset if he was here.  We buried Toby at the allotment next to my Dad's garden and I bought a lemon coloured poppy to plant above his grave, the poppy should flower at this time each year, and Toby was a yellow coloured bird so I thought it was fitting.  We buried him with his little tweetie pie toy.  RIP Toby Mac.

Cats have been causing a mess in my garden pooing and digging up flowers.  One of them has dug up the cherry pie plant that I'd planted near my front door, I wasn't impressed!  So I bought a purple veronica plant and planted it in its place.  Cats love bare soil, and we need some sun to help the plants grow faster and cover the exposed soil. 

I walked to the shops on Saturday, I'm not getting enough exercise, I mean, I do my bit at the allotment but I still feel like I need to do more.  I park on the car park outside work during the week and because of this I'm not walking enough.  

I picked up the long black flowery skirt from the vintage clothing shop in town.  It's really cool but I think I need to wait until autumn/winter before I can start wearing it, it's not that summery, but will look brill with my black leather boots.

On Saturday afternoon I swept and tidied the back garden and moved around some of the pots and made it look a lot better.  I also fed the front and back gardens with seaweed to try and bring everything on a bit. 

On Saturday night we went for an Indian for our friend's 39th birthday.  We bought him a small bottle of Jura whiskey.  It was a nice meal (not a great choice for vegetarians), but the meat eaters enjoyed it.  Everyone we went out with smoked, so they kept going out for a ciggie and leaving me sat on my own, I'm not used to being with so many smokers, I felt like the odd one out.

The troublesome director has resigned from the shop.  His letter of resignation was a big guilt trip and blamed people for picking on him.  I've not much sympathy really because he brought it all on himself.  We've a business to run and his tantrums over nothing in particular were a distraction from the task in hand.

It was father's day on Sunday and I spent some time at the allotment.  I tidied around my Dad's garden and left a calendula on top of the plinth.  I watered everything and weeded the bean bed.  The weeds are really picking up at the minute, I think it's all the wet weather.  We need to try and keep on top of them before they get out of control.

We ate the first cucumbers of the season.  The mini 'Cucinos' (Thompson and Morgan) were ready and I picked 3 off the plant in the greenhouse at home.  They were very tasty.  I had a spare plant which I gave to my friend Emma.  They're a great size, and one cucumber is just enough for 1 or 2 people, and it doesn't leave you with half a soggy cucumber going off in the fridge.  I would recommend them.  The gooseberries are ready and my Mum made a tasty gooseberry crumble.  I also picked the first beetroot which my Mum is going to pickle.

I made some more cinnamon swirl muffins on Sunday evening.  They're so quick to knock up and very yummy.  Mmmmm.

I've signed up to Lovefilm because they offered me a free 1 month trial and a £15 Amazon voucher.  The first film that arrived was 'Taken' starring Liam Neeson and we watched it on Sunday night.  It was alright, plenty of action, but a bit far fetched and if you looked at the plot in too much detail it wasn't that feasible.  Not an intellectual's film choice really.  I prefer something with a bit more substance.

Chris made a small chest of drawers over the weekend - they're really cool.

I ordered 'Of mice and men' off Amazon, and I've started reading it.  It's going well so far, but the book is a lot shorter that I expected, so I should have finished it soon.  I asked my friend to recommend some fiction for me to read and I've a long list of recommendations to work my way through.

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