Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Delicious malteser tray bake

We went to a barbeque at my friend Emma's house on Saturday night.  I got a bit tipsy off organic cider.  She made an ace malteser tray bake cake.  Here's the recipe - it's so simple to make.

Malteser tray bake recipe

melt 4oz butter with 2 tablespoons golden syrup in a saucepan, then take off heat
melt 100g - 200g chocolate and mix half into melted butter pan
bash up 300g ish of digestives and mix into melted mix.
mix in a large packet of maltesers (grab bag or box size)
pack into a greaseproof tin
pour over rest of choc
cut in squares

Emma's garden looked brill - she had a bath with a running tap as well as a hammock.  We should definitely get a hammock for the allotment.

I've been looking at wallpaper for a feature wall in the living room, but Chris isn't convinced.  I've ordered some samples to see what they're like in real life.

I took Monday off work and I spent most of the day down at the allotment tidying around and weeding and feeding.  I picked all the garlic and shallots.  I also picked the Japanese onions, but they were tiny, so I'm not sure I'll bother with them next year, I might as well just stick with the maincrop onions, they grow much faster and bigger.  One of the cucumber Emilie plants had wilted and died so I had to pull it up.  The pumpkins are growing like mad, but not many fruits have set yet, some rotted when I didn't pull the flower off in time.  The marrows outside are growing like mad, they're trailing all over the place.  I picked some peas, beetroot, spring onions and onions too.  The peas were delicious!

There's still no red tomatoes - we need some heat!  I've just a few little sungold cherry tomatoes so far.  All the rosadas are still green...

We've had quite a few allotment teas this week.  We've had champ, onion gravy, sausages and peas.  And cheese and onion mash pie.

The Awards for All funding for the shop has been confirmed, so we're getting to work on this and we’ll be issuing a tender/press release soon. 

The voucher for my bike has arrived, so I'm going to pick it up this weekend, I can't wait to get my new wheels!

I went to jigsaw club on Wednesday and it was a nice evening so we did the jigsaw outside until the light got too low.  But it was a really hard jigsaw, with lots of sections the same colour, so we didn't finish it and it wasn't much fun!

We watched the first 6 episodes of the Muppet Show which were lots of fun. I love kermit and most of his pals - with the exception of Miss Piggy who I don't one bit, she really gets on my nerves.

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